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Roof Top Solar PV System

A rooftop photovoltaic power station, or rooftop PV system, is a photovoltaic system that has its electricity-generating solar panels mounted on the rooftop of a residential or commercial building or structure. 

The various components of such a system include photovoltaic modules, mounting system, cables, solar inverters and other electrical accessories. PV systems can be mounted on the roof-top of Domestic, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Buildings.

01Grid Tied Solar Power

System (On Grid)

A grid tied solar power system is directly connected to the home and to the traditional electric utility grid. Grid tied systems allow the owners to get power from either the home electric system or the utility grid. Switching between the residential system and the grid is seamless.
The prime advantage of this type of system is the ability to balance the system production and home power requirements. When a grid inter-tied system is producing more power than the home is consuming, the excess can be sold back to the utility in a practice known as Net Metering. When the system is not producing enough power, the home can draw power from the utility grid.

Best suited for Educational Institutions, Offices, Big Show Rooms, Shops etc.


Grid Tied Solar Power System with Battery Back up

A grid tied solar power system is also connected to the traditional utility power grid and adds battery-backup to the system. The addition of a battery backup enables the system to balance production and demand and protects against power outages.
Solar electric system production depends on the available sunlight. When sunlight is abundant, production can exceed demand. When production exceeds demand, the excess power can charge the batteries, which store the electricity. When the system is producing less electricity than demanded by the home, the batteries can make up the shortfall.
Grid tied systems are also connected to the utility power grid. This enables the owners to draw from the grid during periods of excess demand and to sell power to the grid when there is excess production.

Best suited for residential purposes, hospitals, hotels, hostels etc.

2 Off-Grid Solar Power System 

An off-grid solar system is completely disconnected from the traditional electric power grid. Without a connection to the utility grid, batteries are essential to balance periods of excess production and excess demand.

To protect against shortfalls of power when the solar system is under-producing and the batteries are discharged, an electric generator is usually added to the system. The generator is used as a power source during periods of prolonged excess production or unusual demand.


Best suited for faraway places like farmhouses, or any set up away from traditional power grids.

Our Services For Roof Top Solar & Net Metering

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