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Facts Around Going Solar

Energy Savings & Us

When it comes to saving energy, we think to switch off the fans and lights after use, plant trees and take other initiatives to save energy. However, very few go beyond just asking themselves to take precautions and save energy. It can be done  by devising and implementing a project almost entirely on its own. We can help cater our energy needs by developing a system that would make us self-dependent for energy. The answer to this is SOLAR POWER

Why we should invest in Solar Power

Every house/ Office/industry/society utilizes a huge amount of energy for the electrical devices to work. This not only adds extravagant bucks to the electricity bill but also contribute to the degradation of the environment. Every place should go solar in order to save money,  environment and much more. Since the last decade, Odisha has been hit by natural calamities in a regular basis. During these times, the supply of electricity becomes zero, making our lives more chaotic and painful. At times like these Solar Power can be considered as a true DISASTER MANAGER.

How does solar power works

The photovoltaic (PV) cells in solar panels use particles of light to knock electrons free from atoms and generate a flow of electricity. The resulting current of electricity then runs through a device called an inverter, which allows power to the building.


  1. Solar PV Panels

  2. Solar Inverter

  3. Solar Battery

  4. Digital Meter

  5. Power Grid


Primary Benefits

  1. Reduce electricity bills.

  2. Uninterruptible power against frequent unavailability of power from grid.

  3. Reduce dependency on expensive usage of diesel generators.

  4. Hedge against rising utility bills.

  5. Decrease in transmission and distribution loss.

  6. Create revenue from unused roof space.

  7. Avail benefits of net metering.


Secondary Benefits

  1. It can be installed quickly.

  2. It has zero emissions.

  3. It generates no noise.

  4. It requires little maintenance.

  5. It’s efficient. Photo Voltaic technology is proven in performance and stability.

  6. Set a good example by assisting in reduction of carbon footprint and by demonstrating environmental consciousness.

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